Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap Physical Ver...
The trap has been sprung! That’s right: The highly collectible physical release of Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap is out now for Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4! Fans of retrotastic 2D side-scrolling action-adventure-platformers won’t want to miss out on the launch edition, which includes reversible cover art, a full-color manual...

Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap Developer Blog
Hello, this is Omar and Ben from Lizardcube! We are the developers of Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap. Like DotEmu, the game’s co-publisher, we are based in lovely Paris, France—a land of croissants and fermented grapes. And most notably, a land where kids born in the ’80s equally shared their love between the NES and its Sega counterpar...

Wonder Boy: The Dragon\'s Trap Goes Ph...
Have you heard the wonderful news? Nicalis is publishing the wondrous Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap on both Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 in physical form. Better yet, the initial run of this 2D side-scroller comes with bonus goodies that collectors won’t want to miss out on: a 12-track mini-CD soundtrack sampler, a full-color...

The new Nicalis Blog!
You’re looking at the new Nicalis Blog, forged in fire by our expert Websmiths and sharpened to accompany the newly designed Nicalis.com Web site. This is the place where you’ll get the latest in-depth news about Nicalis games and world domination plans.
If you’re looking for hastily composed 140-character messages, impromptu survey...

Creepy Castle: Looking Back!
Hey guys! Zach here again to discuss Creepy Castle. As I'm writing this, development is essentially all wrapped up, and I've found out that the game even has a tentative release date! Heck, by the time this gets posted, maybe it will even be out! At any rate, this seems like a good time to think about the experiences I had and things...

Creepy Castle: A Little of This, A Little of That!
Hey guys! This Zach again to tell you a little more about Creepy Castle. I've already talked about the scenarios, the combat, the characters, the items, the retro style, and the customization, so what's left to tell you about the game...? Well, I like to think that Creepy Castle stands on its own as a unique action-adventure-RPG, but t...

Creepy Castle: Cameos'n Crossovers!
Hey guys! Zach from Dopterra here again to talk some more about Creepy Castle. You know the phrase "It's dangerous to go alone"? Well, it's certainly true when it comes to game development. Or, if not dangerous, at least less than ideal. During this experience, I've had lots of support from friends, colleagues, the crew at Nicalis, an...

Creepy Castle: Custom Creepy!
Hey guy, this is Zach again. I've talked a lot about the content and features in my previous updates about Creepy Castle, but this time I wanted to touch on something that isn't really directly related to the gameplay: the customization options. If you checked out our Kickstarter campaign, you may recall th...

Creepy Castle: What Lurks in the Castle
Creepy Castle: What Lurks in the Castle
As I've mentioned before, one of the key ingredients in a nonlinear exploration-based game like Creepy Castle is to make sure that the world is fun to explore. It's more than just good level design - you also need to fill the locales with interesting characters to encounter and intriguing things...

Creepy Castle: Music in the Castle!
Hey guys, this is Zach again, and this time I want to talk about something that's especially important to me in a video game: the music! The right music can make a good game great, and make a great game something truly memorable that sticks with you forever.
I can't actually think of any moments in video games that I consider to be tr...

Creepy Castle: One Game, Four Scenarios!
Hey, this is Zach again. I'm here to tell you more about Creepy Castle, but I also want to tell you that Creepy Castle is just the beginning. What I mean by that is that while Creepy Castle is the game's title, it's also just the first of four scenarios you'll get to experience when you play the game (as you're no doubt aware if you'r...

Creepy Castle: Looks Like Retro!
Creepy Castle: Looks Like Retro
Hi everyone! This is Zach again to talk some more about Creepy Castle. This time I wanted to discuss the visual style of the game. All it takes is one look at a screenshot to notice two things: 1) it has a very low-fi, retro art style, and 2) it doesn't really look like most of the other retro-inspired ...

Creepy Castle: Let's Battle! II: Burning Fight
Hey there, this is Zach again. In my last post I introduced you to Creepy Castle's combat system and discussed some of the duel types. This time I want to tell you about some of the other duels you'll encounter as you get further into the game.
Parry: Like the Pursuit duel I mentioned last time, Parry takes place on a three-by-three g...

Full Mojo Rampage: Release Day!
It's launch day for Full Mojo Rampage! Get your voodoo on as the game is now available on PS4 and Xbox One in the US and Europe! To celebrate launch day, we have one final blog post that talks about Multiplayer! First, a brand-new trailer, and then - on with the blog post!

Full Mojo Rampage: Meet the Loa Part 2
Launch day is almost upon us! Before the weekend we wanted to talk a bit more about the Loa in the game!
Previously we introduced you to Baron Samedi, Maman Brigitte, Loko, and Ghede - four of the parent Loa that you can enlist to customize your character's play style in Full Mojo Rampage. Each one brings something different to the ta...