Hey, I'm Tiffany, the programmer on Cave Story Wii. Things have been pretty busy for us as we get closer to release, but I wanted to say hello.
As you probably know, over the past few months we've been cracking away, trying to bring Cave Story over to the Wii platform. Thankfully to Pixel's clean work, we've been able to do it without too many challenges. During the first few days of porting Cave Story I was able to see the hard work and love that went into making this game. Some of Pixel's techniques, including the old school approach to sound generation, were really helpful in keeping the file sizes down (very helpful for WiiWare) and making this port a pretty straight forward one.
If you've read Tyrone's post, you probably have figured out that the game is almost completely ported and getting close to done. There are still a few things left to do. One of the more obvious bugs from the initial port was a notable sound bug--you know "bleeding ears" and all--which I am currently working on. We promise to get it right! There were also several graphics bugs which have since been fixed. I am also working to get all of the Wii specifications in place, but that's all secret stuff.
I am really excited to work alongside Pixel and Tyrone and feel very honored to have a hand in this project. Like you, I can't wait to see the final result on the WiiWare Channel. I plan to make a couple of updates on Cave Story, so until next time thanks for reading!