Yes, we've been MIA for a bit. No, I'm not dead. And, no, Cave Story for Wii hasn't been killed. Truth be told we did try to make it in time for Christmas, however, we weren't able to do so. We've taken more time to make sure everything is perfect.

We're still working away at Cave Story trying to make sure it's faithful to Amaya-san's original while adding a few things for the console release. One of these new additions, I'm happy to announce is Download Content. I think we received enough e-mails demanding it that we're doing our best to include some new surprises in the WiiWare release. You're going to have to wait for more info on that.

In other related Cave Story news, there's a whole lotta caverage (horrible pun) this month. Be sure to pick up the January issues of EGM and Play Magazine. Both magazine have some info on Cave Story, Play magazine's Heather Campbell also interview Amaya-san. Thanks to both publications for the support!

By the way, as Nicklas mentioned, our other project, Night Game was nominated for IGF. Wooh!